Tab dividers are organizational tools used to separate and categorize different sections within binders, notebooks, or files. They are typically ... made of durable materials like plastic or heavy-duty paper and feature tabs that extend beyond the edge of the pages for easy identification. Tab dividers are available in various formats, including pre-printed tabs with commonly used labels such as alphabetical, numerical, or chronological order, as well as customizable tabs that can be labeled according to specific needs.

These dividers make it simple to divide and locate specific sections within a larger collection of documents or notes, allowing for quick reference and efficient organization. Tab dividers are widely used in various settings, including offices, schools, and personal organization systems, to create logical and easily accessible sections for different subjects, projects, or categories. By using tab dividers, individuals can keep their documents or notes neatly organized, enhance productivity, and streamline the process of locating and retrieving specific information when needed.