Mobile Shelving Removal Services

Mobile Shelving Removal Services

Mobile Shelving Removal Services


Mobile Shelving Removal Services

For the organizations who have successfully made a full or near complete transition from hard-copy paper-based filing systems over to digital electronic records, it may be time to discard, sell or relocate your trusty high density mobile filing system. This service, mobile shelving removal, has become a steady component of our offering and something we do on a regular basis. Proper removal of high density mobile storage systems requires a specific skill set and proper experience to assure an efficient, safe and compliant removal of all components including shelving, decking, rails, grout and anchors. We take extra care in assuring the surrounding environment is protected, all safety measures in are in place and the floor is left in the best possible condition to prepare for the areas future use and function.

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Talk to an Expert Now: (800) 810-3453
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