High Density Filing Systems

High Density Filing Systems

High Density Filing Systems


High Density Filing Systems

While many thought we would have said goodbye to hard-copy filing systems by now, in favor of digital and electronic records, we’ve learned that some things just have a way of sticking around. Paper-based filing systems would definitely fit that description, as we continue to serve a demanding and still very active hard-copy records customer base. Medical records, financial documents, corporate files, educational institutions, legal case files, compliance records and more remain in high circulation. While nearly all organizations today use electronic records to some degree, paper files are still an effective way to manage large volumes of critical documents and records. Providing adequate space to enable quick and easy access to these records, while maintaining security, privacy and full compliance remains a high priority throughout most industries. Mobile shelving and high-density mobile storage systems which originated to serve this market over 60 years ago continues to be the go-to solutions for savvy records managers looking to improve the way their organizations manage their filing departments.

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