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Evidence Security Lockers

The law enforcement industry requires a high level of storage security – the's line of evidence lockers takes that security to the highest level.

Whether it’s evidence transfer, evidence storage, crime scene investigations, forensic evidence, or postal service,’s evidence lockers have processing systems that will suit your specific needs.

Evidence Lockers with Refrigeration
Evidence Lockers with Refrigeration
Refrigerated Evidence Lockers
Refrigerated Evidence Lockers
Evidence Lockers
Evidence Lockers

Some features include:

green-check-mark.pngPass-thru and non-pass-thru lockers
green-check-mark.pngElectronic Evidence Management System for an additional level of security
green-check-mark.pngPass-back digital locking option
green-check-mark.pngOptional drop slot
green-check-mark.pngCustomizable in size and with 34 standard door configurations
green-check-mark.pngRefrigeration units

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